Wednesday, 29 July 2009

How to Quickly Get Your Private Loan Money

The fastest way to get your private loan money is to be prepared when you start to apply. Know if you are going to use a co-borrower or not, and then have your paperwork, and your co-borrower's paperwork, all ready.
With the CLC® Premier Loan, you can have your co-borrower immediately apply after you, to see if you preapprove instantly!

Info you will need:

1. Your Social Security Number
2. Your temporary, permanent and prior addresses
3. Your driver's license
4. Your income information if you are employed

Info your co-borrower will need:

1. Social Security Number
2. Permanent and prior addresses
3. Housing expenses info
4. Driver's license
5. Proof of income, like bank statements or pay stubs
6. Employer informationv
7. Email address

Remember! You can always call College Loan Corporation if you have any questions about applying or just apply now!


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